Amano Yakh
Ordinary life changed drastically in 2008, in the middle of mountain in Russia. First rave, first total eclipse, first contact to psychedelic world.
While traveling around the world, started to chase parties to Thailand, Cambodia, Bali, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Europe, Australia, US, Mexico, Guatemala, got deep into psychedelic music, especially in faster BPM.
After 5 years of his searching music which makes him shiver and fly, he liked it too much not to consider trying to create one by himself.
In 2014, started his project in Guatemala, his second country which gave him a lot of inspiration to the creation. The ideas of sound come from the experience of whole journey he has passed through and all the creatures he has met, not only by psy-culture but also by any kind of interesting objects, believing the music shows his life experience and personality itself.
November 2015, played his first live set at lovely Atitlan lake in Guatemala, then in January 2016, 2nd live set at Atman festival in Sri Lanka, first time in Asia.
Even in underground scene, always take a contrary position on purpose, in a cynical and mischievous way, to be an unique person of "AMANOYAKH (amanojaku)" in Japanese myth.