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Midzinko aka Toshihide Minami(ActiveMeditationMusic/emma/SANSARE/Shambala)DarkPsyProducer and DJ

Midzinko profile
Midzinko a.k.a Toshihide Minami has been producing music seriously since 2009. He has some mystical experience that music purifies his soul since He met trance music. Then He thought about how He would like to share the feeling of being moved for everyone.
His music is made by the imagine a ray of light break through the darkness. He will continue to try to demonstrate a mysterious power, express his life and sentiment for the future with his original musical sense!

2007年、Dark Psychedelic TranceのDJとしてキャリアをスタート。
翌年に「Keep The Under Ground Spirits」というコンセプトを掲げ、仲間たちと共にParty Organize Team「emma」を発足。
2009年から楽曲制作にも打ち込み2014年にActive Meditation MusicやLonely Planet Recordsから念願のリリースも果たした。
Dark Psychedelicの概念を打ち破る彼独自の世界観をぜひ体感してほしい。

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